Night of the Bloodsuckers (Part 1)

Mosquitoes are real party poopers. Just when you are relaxing with a cool drink after a hard day at work, the bloodsuckers arrive and ruin everything. There are over 300 species of mosquitoes in Australia and they occur wherever there is enough standing water for their larvae to survive. Sometimes that’s not a lot of water either. For example, mosquitoes can breed in saucers and trays under pot plants if they remain full of water.

Many gardeners have installed rainwater tanks to supplement their watering needs. All that water is a magnet to mosquitoes. Keep them out by covering all entry points in tanks with fine mesh. If mosquitoes slip through and lay eggs, drop a teaspoon of domestic kerosene on top of the water to prevent mosquito larvae from breathing (seek further advice from your State Health Department).

Some mosquito species are more than just annoying, they can carry serious human diseases such as Dengue Fever, encephalitis and Ross River virus, and heartworm disease in dogs. Fortunately malaria is no longer endemic in Australia, but we do have the Anopheles mosquitoes which are capable of carrying and transmitting malaria.

Mosquito Continue reading Night of the Bloodsuckers (Part 1)

Return of the Green Scarab

Green scarab beetleDuring November swarms of green scarab beetles (Diphucephala colaspidoides) descended on my place. They are notorious leaf eaters noted for stripping the leaves from a variety of plants. The beetles tend to feed in large groups so plant damage can happen quickly and be quite devastating. Can plants recover after such damage?

Back in the 19th century these beetles were known as “cherry green beetles”. Just listen to how Charles French, the government entomologist of the time, describes their attack in his Handbook of the Destructive Insects of Victoria. “When they make their appearance in an orchard, which is about “cherry time”, they make sad havoc, and, being in such countless multitudes, will strip a good-sized tree in the course of a very few minutes”.

The swarms did indeed make sad havoc of a few plants on my property including Melaleuca pentagona, Leptospermum continentale, and Acacia mearnsii. The tea trees were severely chewed leaving some plants looking like they were suffering from drought, the top half of a melaleuca turned brown, and several acacias were semi-defoliated. This all sounds rather alarming but what happened next is worth reporting.

Over the last couple of months the plants have mostly recovered, and the M. pentagona is positively booming. I don’t see these beetle every year, in fact I haven’t seen them in such numbers since the spring of 2006. I know they are only feeding so they can mate and lay eggs, after which they die. Even if I wanted to control them chemically I would be out of luck, because there is nothing registered against them.

Green scarab beetlesAs we have seen, green scarab beetles like to feed on tea-tree (Leptospermum spp.) and wattles (Acacia spp.). The generation of green scarab beetles emerging in the spring of 2006 had no tea-tree or wattles to feed on as most plants had been burnt out in the massive Grampians bushfire of January 2006. The beetles had to feed on something and appeared on various properties in enormous swarms causing some headaches in commercial vineyards and orchards. They completely defoliated some plants, but the swarms soon moved on or died.

Green scarab beetles have a life cycle typical of most scarabs in that their larvae feed underground on the roots of various plants. That’s why the larvae weren’t wiped out by the bushfire (heat tends to go up, not down) and were able to emerge as adult beetles months later. Adult female beetles need sufficient nutrition from sap or nectar to lay fertile eggs. I hardly saw a green scarab beetle for several years after the 2006 swarms. I can only assume that many females of that particular generation didn’t get enough nutrition from the plants (vines and berry crops etc.) they had been feeding on to lay fertile eggs. The tea-tree and wattles have now largely regrown which is probably why the green scarab beetles have returned.


Jack Jumper ant
Ouch!! I felt a sharp stabbing pain on the webbing between two fingers of my left hand. I looked down to see a Jack Jumper ant gripping my skin tightly with its mandibles and burying its sting in my flesh. I had been winding a hose back on its reel, the ant had taken a ride on the hose, became caught in my hand and went into attack mode. Ever been stabbed by hot needles? That’s what it feels like. Continue reading Stingers