What happened to the trees the hungry caterpillars ate?

This video post is an update to a post from April last year. I have linked it here in case you wish to see it.

This new video shows how even a completely defoliated tree can recover from insect damage. Just because an insect feeds on a plant doesn’t make it a pest. Native plants and native insects have been evolving together over millions of years.

NOTE: Some blog subscribers have commented that they can’t find a ‘like’ button (as mentioned in my videos) here on the blog. The videos you see here on the blog are linked from my YouTube channel. Unfortunately the ‘like’ button can only be found on YouTube itself. Therefore if you want to ‘like’ a video you need to view it on YouTube. If you don’t use YouTube that’s okay too, just drop me a comment here! It’s all a bit clunky at the moment, maybe things will improve in the future (fingers crossed).

“Garden Pests, Diseases & Good Bugs”

“Backyard Insects”


4 Replies to “What happened to the trees the hungry caterpillars ate?”

  1. As always I love these stories. So good to be reminded that much of the natural world goes on being itself while humans are busy trying to wreck the rest!